The above image clearly shows you the modern periodic table of elements with names and symbols.
You can also get the HD image of all these Periodic tables, from this article only. (Downloading link given below)
There are many more printable Periodic Table of elements with names and symbols given below.
Colored Periodic table images with names (Dark colors)

Black and White

With colored circular tile

With black and white circular tile

Block wise elements

The elements in orange color are the s-block elements.
Yellow colored elements are p-block elements.
Green colored elements are d-block elements and purple elements are the f-block elements.
Yellow colored Periodic table

Elements of periodic table with Names and Symbols (List)
Here is the complete list of periodic table of elements with names and symbols.
- Atomic no. | Name (Symbol)
- 1 | Hydrogen (H)
- 2 | Helium (He)
- 3 | Lithium (Li)
- 4 | Beryllium (Be)
- 5 | Boron (B)
- 6 | Carbon (C)
- 7 | Nitrogen (N)
- 8 | Oxygen (O)
- 9 | Fluorine (F)
- 10 | Neon (Ne)
- 11 | Sodium (Na)
- 12 | Magnesium (Mg)
- 13 | Aluminum (Al)
- 14 | Silicon (Si)
- 15 | Phosphorus (P)
- 16 | Sulphur (S)
- 17 | Chlorine (Cl)
- 18 | Argon (Ar)
- 19 | Potassium (K)
- 20 | Calcium (Ca)
- 21 | Scandium (Sc)
- 22 | Titanium (Ti)
- 23 | Vanadium (V)
- 24 | Chromium (Cr)
- 25 | Manganese (Mn)
- 26 | Iron (Fe)
- 27 | Cobalt (Co)
- 28 | Nickel (Ni)
- 29 | Copper (Cu)
- 30 | Zinc (Zn)
- 31 | Gallium (Ga)
- 32 | Germanium (Ge)
- 33 | Arsenic (As)
- 34 | Selenium (Se)
- 35 | Bromine (Br)
- 36 | Krypton (Kr)
- 37 | Rubidium (Rb)
- 38 | Strontium (Sr)
- 39 | Yttrium (Y)
- 40 | Zirconium (Zr)
- 41 | Niobium (Nb)
- 42 | Molybdenum (Mo)
- 43 | Technetium (Tc)
- 44 | Ruthenium (Ru)
- 45 | Rhodium (Rh)
- 46 | Palladium (Pd)
- 47 | Silver (Ag)
- 48 | Cadmium (Cd)
- 49 | Indium (In)
- 50 | Tin (Sn)
- 51 | Antimony (Sb)
- 52 | Tellurium (Te)
- 53 | Iodine (I)
- 54 | Xenon (Xe)
- 55 | Caesium (Cs)
- 56 | Barium (Ba)
- 57 | Lanthanum (La)
- 58 | Cerium (Ce)
- 59 | Praseodymium (Pr)
- 60 | Neodymium (Nd)
- 61 | Promethium (Pm)
- 62 | Samarium (Sm)
- 63 | Europium (Eu)
- 64 | Gadolinium (Gd)
- 65 | Terbium (Tb)
- 66 | Dysprosium (Dy)
- 67 | Holmium (Ho)
- 68 | Erbium (Er)
- 69 | Thulium (Tm)
- 70 | Ytterbium (Yb)
- 71 | Lutetium (Lu)
- 72 | Hafnium (Hf)
- 73 | Tantalum (Ta)
- 74 | Tungsten (W)
- 75 | Rhenium (Re)
- 76 | Osmium (Os)
- 77 | Iridium (Ir)
- 78 | Platinum (Pt)
- 79 | Gold (Au)
- 80 | Mercury (Hg)
- 81 | Thallium (Tl)
- 82 | Lead (Pb)
- 83 | Bismuth (Bi)
- 84 | Polonium (Po)
- 85 | Astatine (At)
- 86 | Radon (Rn)
- 87 | Francium (Fr)
- 88 | Radium (Ra)
- 89 | Actinium (Ac)
- 90 | Thorium (Th)
- 91 | Protactinium (Pa)
- 92 | Uranium (U)
- 93 | Neptunium (Np)
- 94 | Plutonium (Pu)
- 95 | Americium (Am)
- 96 | Curium (Cm)
- 97 | Berkelium (Bk)
- 98 | Californium (Cf)
- 99 | Einsteinium (Es)
- 100 | Fermium (Fm)
- 101 | Mendelevium (Md)
- 102 | Nobelium (No)
- 103 | Lawrencium (Lr)
- 104 | Rutherfordium (Rf)
- 105 | Dubnium (Db)
- 106 | Seaborgium (Sg)
- 107 | Bohrium (Bh)
- 108 | Hassium (Hs)
- 109 | Meitnerium (Mt)
- 110 | Darmstadtium (Ds)
- 111 | Roentgenium (Rg)
- 112 | Copernicium (Cn)
- 113 | Nihonium (Nh)
- 114 | Flerovium (Fl)
- 115 | Moscovium (Mc)
- 116 | Livermorium (Lv)
- 117 | Tennessine (Ts)
- 118 | Oganesson (Og)
So, this is it for this article.
We have seen the Periodic table with names as well as the list of elements with names and symbols.
But before you leave, I would recommend you to visit the Detailed Periodic table guide (where you will come to know every single thing about the Periodic table).
And also let me know in the comments, whether this article has helped you or not?
Explore our New Interactive Periodic Table (with Rotating Bohr Models and More)

Details about this Periodic table:
- Access detailed info on all elements: atomic mass, electron configurations, charges, and more.
- View rotating Bohr models for all 118 elements.
- Get a free HD image of the Periodic Table.
Note: For future use, bookmark this Periodic table or visit “PeriodicTableGuide.com”
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