Electronegativity Chart of All Elements

Electronegativity chart of all elements is mentioned below.
(Note: Electronegativity has no unit. Linus Pauling was a scientist who designed a scale of electronegative that ranks the elements with respect to each other. And this scale is known as Pauling electronegativity scale.)
The Pauling electronegativity values of the element ranges from the most electronegative element (Fluorine having electronegativity = 3.98) to least electronegative element (Francium having electronegativity = 0.7)

Atomic numberElementsElectronegativity
1Hydrogen (H)Electronegativity of hydrogen (H)
2Helium (He)N/A
3Lithium (Li)Electronegativity of lithium (Li)0.98
4Beryllium (Be)Electronegativity of beryllium (Be)1.57
5Boron (B)Electronegativity of boron (B)2.04
6Carbon (C)Electronegativity of carbon (C)2.55
7Nitrogen (N)Electronegativity of nitrogen (N)3.04
8Oxygen (O)Electronegativity of oxygen (O)3.44
9Fluorine (F)Electronegativity of fluorine (F)3.98
10Neon (Ne)N/A
11Sodium (Na)Electronegativity of sodium (Na)0.93
12Magnesium (Mg)Electronegativity of magnesium (Mg)1.31
13Aluminum (Al)Electronegativity of aluminium (Al)1.61
14Silicon (Si)Electronegativity of silicon (Si)1.9
15Phosphorus (P)Electronegativity of phosphorous (P)2.19
16Sulfur (S)Electronegativity of Sulfur (S)2.58
17Chlorine (Cl)Electronegativity of chlorine (Cl)3.16
18Argon (Ar)N/A
19Potassium (K)Electronegativity of potassium (K)0.82
20Calcium (Ca)Electronegativity of calcium (Ca)1
21Scandium (Sc)Electronegativity of scandium (Sc)1.36
22Titanium (Ti)Electronegativity of titanium (Ti)1.54
23Vanadium (V)Electronegativity of vanadium (V)1.63
24Chromium (Cr)Electronegativity of chromium (Cr)1.66
25Manganese (Mn)Electronegativity of manganese (Mn)1.55
26Iron (Fe)Electronegativity of iron (Fe)1.83
27Cobalt (Co)Electronegativity of cobalt (Co)1.88
28Nickel (Ni)Electronegativity of nickel (Ni)1.91
29Copper (Cu)Electronegativity of copper (Co)1.9
30Zinc (Zn)Electronegativity of zinc (Zn)1.65
31Gallium (Ga)1.81
32Germanium (Ge)2.01
33Arsenic (As)2.18
34Selenium (Se)2.55
35Bromine (Br)2.96
36Krypton (Kr)3
37Rubidium (Rb)0.82
38Strontium (Sr)0.95
39Yttrium (Y)1.22
40Zirconium (Zr)1.33
41Niobium (Nb)1.6
42Molybdenum (Mo)2.16
43Technetium (Tc)1.9
44Ruthenium (Ru)2.2
45Rhodium (Rh)2.28
46Palladium (Pd)2.2
47Silver (Ag)1.93
48Cadmium (Cd)1.69
49Indium (In)1.78
50Tin (Sn)1.96
51Antimony (Sb)2.05
52Tellurium (Te)2.1
53Iodine (I)2.66
54Xenon (Xe)2.6
55Cesium (Cs)0.79
56Barium (Ba)0.89
57Lanthanum (La)1.1
58Cerium (Ce)1.12
59Praseodymium (Pr)1.13
60Neodymium (Nd)1.14
61Promethium (Pm)1.13
62Samarium (Sm)1.17
63Europium (Eu)1.2
64Gadolinium (Gd)1.2
65Terbium (Tb)1.22
66Dysprosium (Dy)1.23
67Holmium (Ho)1.24
68Erbium (Er)1.24
69Thulium (Tm)1.25
70Ytterbium (Yb)1.1
71Lutetium (Lu)1.27
72Hafnium (Hf)1.3
73Tantalum (Ta)1.5
74Tungsten (W)2.36
75Rhenium (Re)1.9
76Osmium (Os)2.2
77Iridium (Ir)2.2
78Platinum (Pt)2.28
79Gold (Au)2.54
80Mercury (Hg)2
81Thallium (Tl)1.62
82Lead (Pb)2.33
83Bismuth (Bi)2.02
84Polonium (Po)2
85Astatine (At)2.2
86Radon (Rn)N/A
87Francium (Fr)0.7
88Radium (Ra)0.89
89Actinium (Ac)1.1
90Thorium (Th)1.3
91Protactinium (Pa)1.5
92Uranium (U)1.38
93Neptunium (Np)1.36
94Plutonium (Pu)1.28
95Americium (Am)1.3
96Curium (Cm)1.3
97Berkelium (Bk)1.3
98Californium (Cf)1.3
99Einsteinium (Es)1.3
100Fermium (Fm)1.3
101Mendelevium (Md)1.3
102Nobelium (No)1.3
103Lawrencium (Lr)N/A
104Rutherfordium (Rf)N/A
105Dubnium (Db)N/A
106Seaborgium (Sg)N/A
107Bohrium (Bh)N/A
108Hassium (Hs)N/A
109Meitnerium (Mt)N/A
110Darmstadtium (Ds)N/A
111Roentgenium (Rg)N/A
112Copernicium (Cn)N/A
113Nihonium (Nh)N/A
114Flerovium (Fl)N/A
115Moscovium (Mc)N/A
116Livermorium (Lv)N/A
117Tennessine (Ts)N/A
118Oganesson (Og)N/A

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Electronegativity of elements


  • Jay

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