List of 118 Elements with their Atomic Mass (Downloadable)

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List of 118 elements with their Atomic Mass is given below.

Atomic NumberElementAtomic Mass (u)
1Hydrogen (H)1.008
2Helium (He)4.002
3Lithium (Li)6.94
4Beryllium (Be)9.012
5Boron (B)10.81
6Carbon (C)12.011
7Nitrogen (N)14.007
8Oxygen (O)15.999
9Fluorine (F)18.998
10Neon (Ne)20.180
11Sodium (Na)22.990
12Magnesium (Mg)24.305
13Aluminum (Al)26.982
14Silicon (Si)28.085
15Phosphorus (P)30.974
16Sulfur (S)32.06
17Chlorine (Cl)35.45
18Argon (Ar)39.95
19Potassium (K)39.098
20Calcium (Ca)40.078
21Scandium (Sc)44.956
22Titanium (Ti)47.867
23Vanadium (V)50.942
24Chromium (Cr)51.996
25Manganese (Mn)54.938
26Iron (Fe)55.845
27Cobalt (Co)58.933
28Nickel (Ni)58.693
29Copper (Cu)63.546
30Zinc (Zn)65.38
31Gallium (Ga)69.723
32Germanium (Ge)72.630
33Arsenic (As)74.922
34Selenium (Se)78.971
35Bromine (Br)79.904
36Krypton (Kr)83.798
37Rubidium (Rb)85.468
38Strontium (Sr)87.62
39Yttrium (Y)88.906
40Zirconium (Zr)91.224
41Niobium (Nb)92.906
42Molybdenum (Mo)95.95
43Technetium (Tc)(98)
44Ruthenium (Ru)101.07
45Rhodium (Rh)102.91
46Palladium (Pd)106.42
47Silver (Ag)107.87
48Cadmium (Cd)112.41
49Indium (In)114.82
50Tin (Sn)118.71
51Antimony (Sb)121.76
52Tellurium (Te)127.60
53Iodine (I)126.90
54Xenon (Xe)131.29
55Caesium (Cs)132.91
56Barium (Ba)137.33
57Lanthanum (La)138.91
58Cerium (Ce)140.12
59Praseodymium (Pr)140.91
60Neodymium (Nd)144.24
61Promethium (Pm)145.00
62Samarium (Sm)150.36
63Europium (Eu)151.96
64Gadolinium (Gd)157.25
65Terbium (Tb)158.93
66Dysprosium (Dy)162.50
67Holmium (Ho)164.93
68Erbium (Er)167.26
69Thulium (Tm)168.93
70Ytterbium (Yb)173.05
71Lutetium (Lu)174.97
72Hafnium (Hf)178.49
73Tantalum (Ta)180.95
74Tungsten (W)183.84
75Rhenium (Re)75
76Osmium (Os)190.23
77Iridium (Ir)192.22
78Platinum (Pt)195.08
79Gold (Au)107.87
80Mercury (Hg)200.59
81Thallium (Tl)204.38
82Lead (Pb)207.2
83Bismuth (Bi)208.98
84Polonium (Po)(209)
85Astatine (At)(210)
86Radon (Rn)(222)
87Francium (Fr)(223)
88Radium (Ra)(226)
89Actinium (Ac)(227)
90Thorium (Th)232.04
91Protactinium (Pa)231.04
92Uranium (U)238.03
93Neptunium (Np)(237)
94Plutonium (Pu)(244)
95Americium (Am)(243)
96Curium (Cm)(247)
97Berkelium (Bk)(247)
98Californium (Cf)(251)
99Einsteinium (Es)(252)
100Fermium (Fm)(257)
101Mendelevium (Md)(258)
102Nobelium (No)(259)
103Lawrencium (Lr)(266)
104Rutherfordium (Rf)(267)
105Dubnium (Db)(268)
106Seaborgium (Sg)(269)
107Bohrium (Bh)(270)
108Hassium (Hs)(277)
109Meitnerium (Mt)(278)
110Darmstadtium (Ds)(281)
111Roentgenium (Rg)(282)
112Copernicium (Cn)(285)
113Nihonium (Nh)(286)
114Flerovium (Fl)(289)
115Moscovium (Mc)(290)
116Livermorium (Lv)(293)
117Tennessine (Ts)(294)
118Oganesson (Og)(294)


  • The Atomic masses are represented in the Atomic mass unit (u).
  • The elements whose atomic masses are written in bracket ( ) are the synthetic elements and their atomic masses values represent the Atomic Mass of the most stable isotope.

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Also see:
1). Valence electrons of first 30 elements

2). Valency of first 30 elements
2). Electronic configuration of first 30 elements

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