List of 118 elements with their Atomic Mass is given below.
Atomic Number | Element | Atomic Mass (u) |
1 | Hydrogen (H) | 1.008 |
2 | Helium (He) | 4.002 |
3 | Lithium (Li) | 6.94 |
4 | Beryllium (Be) | 9.012 |
5 | Boron (B) | 10.81 |
6 | Carbon (C) | 12.011 |
7 | Nitrogen (N) | 14.007 |
8 | Oxygen (O) | 15.999 |
9 | Fluorine (F) | 18.998 |
10 | Neon (Ne) | 20.180 |
11 | Sodium (Na) | 22.990 |
12 | Magnesium (Mg) | 24.305 |
13 | Aluminum (Al) | 26.982 |
14 | Silicon (Si) | 28.085 |
15 | Phosphorus (P) | 30.974 |
16 | Sulfur (S) | 32.06 |
17 | Chlorine (Cl) | 35.45 |
18 | Argon (Ar) | 39.95 |
19 | Potassium (K) | 39.098 |
20 | Calcium (Ca) | 40.078 |
21 | Scandium (Sc) | 44.956 |
22 | Titanium (Ti) | 47.867 |
23 | Vanadium (V) | 50.942 |
24 | Chromium (Cr) | 51.996 |
25 | Manganese (Mn) | 54.938 |
26 | Iron (Fe) | 55.845 |
27 | Cobalt (Co) | 58.933 |
28 | Nickel (Ni) | 58.693 |
29 | Copper (Cu) | 63.546 |
30 | Zinc (Zn) | 65.38 |
31 | Gallium (Ga) | 69.723 |
32 | Germanium (Ge) | 72.630 |
33 | Arsenic (As) | 74.922 |
34 | Selenium (Se) | 78.971 |
35 | Bromine (Br) | 79.904 |
36 | Krypton (Kr) | 83.798 |
37 | Rubidium (Rb) | 85.468 |
38 | Strontium (Sr) | 87.62 |
39 | Yttrium (Y) | 88.906 |
40 | Zirconium (Zr) | 91.224 |
41 | Niobium (Nb) | 92.906 |
42 | Molybdenum (Mo) | 95.95 |
43 | Technetium (Tc) | (98) |
44 | Ruthenium (Ru) | 101.07 |
45 | Rhodium (Rh) | 102.91 |
46 | Palladium (Pd) | 106.42 |
47 | Silver (Ag) | 107.87 |
48 | Cadmium (Cd) | 112.41 |
49 | Indium (In) | 114.82 |
50 | Tin (Sn) | 118.71 |
51 | Antimony (Sb) | 121.76 |
52 | Tellurium (Te) | 127.60 |
53 | Iodine (I) | 126.90 |
54 | Xenon (Xe) | 131.29 |
55 | Caesium (Cs) | 132.91 |
56 | Barium (Ba) | 137.33 |
57 | Lanthanum (La) | 138.91 |
58 | Cerium (Ce) | 140.12 |
59 | Praseodymium (Pr) | 140.91 |
60 | Neodymium (Nd) | 144.24 |
61 | Promethium (Pm) | 145.00 |
62 | Samarium (Sm) | 150.36 |
63 | Europium (Eu) | 151.96 |
64 | Gadolinium (Gd) | 157.25 |
65 | Terbium (Tb) | 158.93 |
66 | Dysprosium (Dy) | 162.50 |
67 | Holmium (Ho) | 164.93 |
68 | Erbium (Er) | 167.26 |
69 | Thulium (Tm) | 168.93 |
70 | Ytterbium (Yb) | 173.05 |
71 | Lutetium (Lu) | 174.97 |
72 | Hafnium (Hf) | 178.49 |
73 | Tantalum (Ta) | 180.95 |
74 | Tungsten (W) | 183.84 |
75 | Rhenium (Re) | 75 |
76 | Osmium (Os) | 190.23 |
77 | Iridium (Ir) | 192.22 |
78 | Platinum (Pt) | 195.08 |
79 | Gold (Au) | 107.87 |
80 | Mercury (Hg) | 200.59 |
81 | Thallium (Tl) | 204.38 |
82 | Lead (Pb) | 207.2 |
83 | Bismuth (Bi) | 208.98 |
84 | Polonium (Po) | (209) |
85 | Astatine (At) | (210) |
86 | Radon (Rn) | (222) |
87 | Francium (Fr) | (223) |
88 | Radium (Ra) | (226) |
89 | Actinium (Ac) | (227) |
90 | Thorium (Th) | 232.04 |
91 | Protactinium (Pa) | 231.04 |
92 | Uranium (U) | 238.03 |
93 | Neptunium (Np) | (237) |
94 | Plutonium (Pu) | (244) |
95 | Americium (Am) | (243) |
96 | Curium (Cm) | (247) |
97 | Berkelium (Bk) | (247) |
98 | Californium (Cf) | (251) |
99 | Einsteinium (Es) | (252) |
100 | Fermium (Fm) | (257) |
101 | Mendelevium (Md) | (258) |
102 | Nobelium (No) | (259) |
103 | Lawrencium (Lr) | (266) |
104 | Rutherfordium (Rf) | (267) |
105 | Dubnium (Db) | (268) |
106 | Seaborgium (Sg) | (269) |
107 | Bohrium (Bh) | (270) |
108 | Hassium (Hs) | (277) |
109 | Meitnerium (Mt) | (278) |
110 | Darmstadtium (Ds) | (281) |
111 | Roentgenium (Rg) | (282) |
112 | Copernicium (Cn) | (285) |
113 | Nihonium (Nh) | (286) |
114 | Flerovium (Fl) | (289) |
115 | Moscovium (Mc) | (290) |
116 | Livermorium (Lv) | (293) |
117 | Tennessine (Ts) | (294) |
118 | Oganesson (Og) | (294) |
- The Atomic masses are represented in the Atomic mass unit (u).
- The elements whose atomic masses are written in bracket ( ) are the synthetic elements and their atomic masses values represent the Atomic Mass of the most stable isotope.
I hope you have got the complete list of 118 elements and their symbols and atomic number along with their atomic mass.
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Also see:
1). Valence electrons of first 30 elements
2). Valency of first 30 elements
2). Electronic configuration of first 30 elements
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