Valence Electrons of First 30 elements (List+Shell Diagram)

Valence electrons of first 30 elements of the Periodic table are mentioned below.

Atomic NumberElementValence electrons
1Hydrogen (H)1
2Helium (He)2
3Lithium (Li)1
4Beryllium (Be)2
5Boron (B)3
6Carbon (C)4
7Nitrogen (N)5
8Oxygen (O)6
9Fluorine (F)7
10Neon (Ne)8
11Sodium (Na)1
12Magnesium (Mg)2
13Aluminum (Al)3
14Silicon (Si)4
15Phosphorus (P)5
16Sulfur (S)6
17Chlorine (Cl)7
18Argon (Ar)8
19Potassium (K)1
20Calcium (Ca)2
21Scandium (Sc)2
22Titanium (Ti)2
23Vanadium (V)2
24Chromium (Cr)1
25Manganese (Mn)2
26Iron (Fe)2
27Cobalt (Co)2
28Nickel (Ni)2
29Copper (Cu)1
30Zinc (Zn)2

Note 1: If you want the valence electrons of all the 118 elements, then visit this article: Valence electrons chart for ALL ELEMENTS (Where I have shown the valence electrons using images).

Note 2: If you want a periodic table with valence electrons labeled on it, then visit this article: Periodic table with Valence electrons (labeled on it) (From this article, you can also download the HD image of periodic table labeled with valence electrons, so visit right now).

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  • Jay

    Jay holds the roles of an author and editor at Periodic Table Guide, leveraging his ability to provide clear explanations on typically unexciting topics related to periodic table. He is passionate to help student, and he finds immense joy in his endeavors to make learning enjoyable and accessible. You can connect with him on facebook and twitter.

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