Periods in Periodic table Explained! (With 1-7 Period Names)

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Periods in Periodic table: The periods are the horizontal rows on a Periodic table. There are 7 horizontal rows on Periodic table. Hence there are total 7 periods on the Periodic table.

periods in periodic table with period names

So you have seen the names of periods in periodic table, Right?

Now let me give you very short and simple information about each Period with period names.

Let’s dive straight into it.

Periods in Periodic Table (With Period Names)

There are total 7 periods in Periodic Table.

Let me explain each of these Periods in short.

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Period 1: Shortest period

shortest period

Period 1 of the periodic table is given the name shortest period because there are only two elements in period 1.

The elements of the shortest period are shown in table below.

Shortest period elements (Period 1)

Atomic no.12

Elements of period 1 possess only one energy shell.

period 1 elements

Period 2 and 3: Short period

short period

Period 2 and period 3 of the periodic table are named as the short period because there are 8 elements in these periods.

The elements of the short period are shown in tables below.

Short period elements (Period 2)

Atomic no.345678910

All the elements of period 2 have two energy shells (or orbits).

period 2 elements

Short period elements (Period 3)

Atomic no.1112131415161718

All the elements of period 3 have three energy shells.

period 3 elements

Period 4 and 5: Long period

long period

Period 4 and period 5 are given the name long periods of the periodic table because there are 18 elements in these periods.

The elements of the long periods are shown in tables below.

Long period elements (Period 4)

Atomic no.192021222324252627282930313233343536

All the above elements of period 4 possess four energy shells.

period 4 elements

Long period elements (Period 5)

Atomic no.373839404142434445464748495051525354

These elements of period 5 have five shells in which the electrons revolve.

period 5 elements

Period 6 and 7: Longest period

longest period

Period 6 and period 7 are named as longest periods of the periodic table because there are 32 elements in these periods.

The elements of the longest periods are shown in tables below.

Longest period elements (Period 6)

Atomic no.5556575859606162636465666768697071727374757677787980818283848586

All the above elements of period 6 possess six energy shells.

period 6 elements

Longest period elements (Period 7)

Atomic no.87888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118

These elements of the 7th period have seven energy shells for the electrons to revolve.

period 7 elements


As a summary of the whole topic, you should remember following points for the Periods of Periodic table.

  • The horizontal rows on the periodic table are known as Periods.
  • There are total 7 periods on the periodic table.
  • The names of the periods in periodic table are;
    • Period 1: Shortest period
    • Period 2 and 3: Short period
    • Period 4 and 5: Long period
    • Period 6 and 7: Longest period
  • The elements  in same Periods have the same number of energy shells (or energy orbits).

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