Valence electrons:
- For main group elements (i.e s-block and p-block elements), the valence electrons are the electrons present in the outermost orbit.
- But for most of the transition and inner transition elements, the valence electrons are the electrons present in the shells outside the noble gas core.
If you want a Periodic table with Valence electrons, then visit Periodic table with Valence electrons labeled in it. (Where you will get the HD images along with the explanation).
Valence Electrons Chart for All Elements
Atomic number | Elements | Valence electrons |
1 | Hydrogen (H) | ![]() 1 |
2 | Helium (He) | ![]() 2 |
3 | Lithium (Li) | ![]() 1 |
4 | Beryllium (Be) | ![]() 2 |
5 | Boron (B) | ![]() 3 |
6 | Carbon (C) | ![]() 4 |
7 | Nitrogen (N) | ![]() 5 |
8 | Oxygen (O) | ![]() 6 |
9 | Fluorine (F) | ![]() 7 |
10 | Neon (Ne) | ![]() 8 |
11 | Sodium (Na) | ![]() 1 |
12 | Magnesium (Mg) | ![]() 2 |
13 | Aluminum (Al) | ![]() 3 |
14 | Silicon (Si) | ![]() 4 |
15 | Phosphorus (P) | ![]() 5 |
16 | Sulfur (S) | ![]() 6 |
17 | Chlorine (Cl) | ![]() 7 |
18 | Argon (Ar) | ![]() 8 |
19 | Potassium (K) | ![]() 1 |
20 | Calcium (Ca) | ![]() 2 |
21 | Scandium (Sc) | 3 |
22 | Titanium (Ti) | 4 |
23 | Vanadium (V) | 5 |
24 | Chromium (Cr) | 6 |
25 | Manganese (Mn) | 7 |
26 | Iron (Fe) | 8 |
27 | Cobalt (Co) | 9 |
28 | Nickel (Ni) | 10 |
29 | Copper (Cu) | 11 |
30 | Zinc (Zn) | 12 |
31 | Gallium (Ga) | 3 |
32 | Germanium (Ge) | 4 |
33 | Arsenic (As) | 5 |
34 | Selenium (Se) | 6 |
35 | Bromine (Br) | 7 |
36 | Krypton (Kr) | 8 |
37 | Rubidium (Rb) | 1 |
38 | Strontium (Sr) | 2 |
39 | Yttrium (Y) | 3 |
40 | Zirconium (Zr) | 4 |
41 | Niobium (Nb) | 5 |
42 | Molybdenum (Mo) | 6 |
43 | Technetium (Tc) | 7 |
44 | Ruthenium (Ru) | 8 |
45 | Rhodium (Rh) | 9 |
46 | Palladium (Pd) | 10 |
47 | Silver (Ag) | 11 |
48 | Cadmium (Cd) | 12 |
49 | Indium (In) | 3 |
50 | Tin (Sn) | 4 |
51 | Antimony (Sb) | 5 |
52 | Tellurium (Te) | 6 |
53 | Iodine (I) | 7 |
54 | Xenon (Xe) | 8 |
55 | Cesium (Cs) | 1 |
56 | Barium (Ba) | 2 |
57 | Lanthanum (La) | 3 |
58 | Cerium (Ce) | 4 |
59 | Praseodymium (Pr) | 5 |
60 | Neodymium (Nd) | 6 |
61 | Promethium (Pm) | 7 |
62 | Samarium (Sm) | 8 |
63 | Europium (Eu) | 9 |
64 | Gadolinium (Gd) | 10 |
65 | Terbium (Tb) | 11 |
66 | Dysprosium (Dy) | 12 |
67 | Holmium (Ho) | 13 |
68 | Erbium (Er) | 14 |
69 | Thulium (Tm) | 15 |
70 | Ytterbium (Yb) | 16 |
71 | Lutetium (Lu) | 3 |
72 | Hafnium (Hf) | 4 |
73 | Tantalum (Ta) | 5 |
74 | Tungsten (W) | 6 |
75 | Rhenium (Re) | 7 |
76 | Osmium (Os) | 8 |
77 | Iridium (Ir) | 9 |
78 | Platinum (Pt) | 10 |
79 | Gold (Au) | 11 |
80 | Mercury (Hg) | 12 |
81 | Thallium (Tl) | 3 |
82 | Lead (Pb) | 4 |
83 | Bismuth (Bi) | 5 |
84 | Polonium (Po) | 6 |
85 | Astatine (At) | 7 |
86 | Radon (Rn) | 8 |
87 | Francium (Fr) | 1 |
88 | Radium (Ra) | 2 |
89 | Actinium (Ac) | 3 |
90 | Thorium (Th) | 4 |
91 | Protactinium (Pa) | 5 |
92 | Uranium (U) | 6 |
93 | Neptunium (Np) | 7 |
94 | Plutonium (Pu) | 8 |
95 | Americium (Am) | 9 |
96 | Curium (Cm) | 10 |
97 | Berkelium (Bk) | 11 |
98 | Californium (Cf) | 12 |
99 | Einsteinium (Es) | 13 |
100 | Fermium (Fm) | 14 |
101 | Mendelevium (Md) | 15 |
102 | Nobelium (No) | 16 |
103 | Lawrencium (Lr) | 3 |
104 | Rutherfordium (Rf) | 4 |
105 | Dubnium (Db) | 5 |
106 | Seaborgium (Sg) | 6 |
107 | Bohrium (Bh) | 7 |
108 | Hassium (Hs) | 8 |
109 | Meitnerium (Mt) | 9 |
110 | Darmstadtium (Ds) | 10 |
111 | Roentgenium (Rg) | 11 |
112 | Copernicium (Cn) | 12 |
113 | Nihonium (Nh) | 3 |
114 | Flerovium (Fl) | 4 |
115 | Moscovium (Mc) | 5 |
116 | Livermorium (Lv) | 6 |
117 | Tennessine (Ts) | 7 |
118 | Oganesson (Og) | 8 |
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Valence electrons of elements