Electron Affinity Chart (Labeled Periodic table + List)

Electron affinity chart periodic table

Periodic table with electron affinity values is shown above. The values of electron affinity are given in kJ/mol. Values in parentheses (   ) are predicted values.

Electron affinity is the amount of energy change (ΔE) that occurs when an electron is added in the outermost shell of an isolated gaseous atom.

In other words, when the electron is added to a neutral atom, the energy is either released or absorbed. And this amount of energy change (ΔE) is called electron affinity.

This energy change (ΔE) can be positive, negative or zero.

And the sign of Electron Affinity (EEA) is opposite to the sign of energy change (ΔE).

EEA  =  – (ΔE)

In simple words, if ΔE is positive, then EEA will be negative. And if ΔE is negative, then EEA will be positive.

Points to remember:

  • For exothermic reaction (i.e when energy is released), the change in energy (ΔE) is negative. Hence the sign of Electron Affinity (EEA) will be positive.
  • For endothermic reaction (i.e when energy is absorbed), the change in energy (ΔE) is positive. Hence the sign of Electron Affinity (EEA) will be negative.
  • For neutral process (i.e when energy is neither absorbed nor released), the value of Electron Affinity (EEA) will be zero.

More the positive values of Electron Affinity (EEA), more is the energy released.

Halogens on the periodic table shows more positive values of Electron Affinity (EEA). Hence they indicate that more energy is released when an electron is added to the neutral atom.

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Electron Affinity Values of All Elements

Atomic numberElementsElectron affinity (kJ/mol)
1Hydrogen (H)72.78
2Helium (He)(-48)
3Lithium (Li)59.63
4Beryllium (Be)(-48)
5Boron (B)26.99
6Carbon (C)121.77
7Nitrogen (N)-6.8
8Oxygen (O)140.98
9Fluorine (F)328.16
10Neon (Ne)(-116)
11Sodium (Na)52.87
12Magnesium (Mg)(-40)
13Aluminum (Al)41.76
14Silicon (Si)134.06
15Phosphorus (P)72.04
16Sulfur (S)200.4
17Chlorine (Cl)348.57
18Argon (Ar)(-96)
19Potassium (K)48.38
20Calcium (Ca)2.37
21Scandium (Sc)18
22Titanium (Ti)7.28
23Vanadium (V)50.91
24Chromium (Cr)65.21
25Manganese (Mn)(-50)
26Iron (Fe)14.78
27Cobalt (Co)63.89
28Nickel (Ni)111.65
29Copper (Cu)119.23
30Zinc (Zn)(-58)
31Gallium (Ga)29.06
32Germanium (Ge)118.93
33Arsenic (As)77.65
34Selenium (Se)194.95
35Bromine (Br)324.53
36Krypton (Kr)(-96)
37Rubidium (Rb)46.88
38Strontium (Sr)5.02
39Yttrium (Y)29.6
40Zirconium (Zr)41.8
41Niobium (Nb)88.51
42Molybdenum (Mo)72.10
43Technetium (Tc)(53)
44Ruthenium (Ru)(100.27)
45Rhodium (Rh)110.27
46Palladium (Pd)54.24
47Silver (Ag)125.86
48Cadmium (Cd)(-68)
49Indium (In)37.04
50Tin (Sn)107.29
51Antimony (Sb)101.05
52Tellurium (Te)190.16
53Iodine (I)295.15
54Xenon (Xe)(-77)
55Cesium (Cs)45.5
56Barium (Ba)13.95
57Lanthanum (La)53.79
58Cerium (Ce)55
59Praseodymium (Pr)10.53
60Neodymium (Nd)9.4
61Promethium (Pm)(12.45)
62Samarium (Sm)(15.63)
63Europium (Eu)11.2
64Gadolinium (Gd)(13.22)
65Terbium (Tb)12.67
66Dysprosium (Dy)(33.96)
67Holmium (Ho)(32.61)
68Erbium (Er)(30.1)
69Thulium (Tm)99
70Ytterbium (Yb)(-1.93)
71Lutetium (Lu)23.04
72Hafnium (Hf)17.18
73Tantalum (Ta)31
74Tungsten (W)78.76
75Rhenium (Re)5.82
76Osmium (Os)104
77Iridium (Ir)150.94
78Platinum (Pt)205.04
79Gold (Au)222.75
80Mercury (Hg)(-48)
81Thallium (Tl)30.88
82Lead (Pb)34.41
83Bismuth (Bi)90.92
84Polonium (Po)(136)
85Astatine (At)233
86Radon (Rn)(-68)
87Francium (Fr)(46.89)
88Radium (Ra)(9.64)
89Actinium (Ac)(33.77)
90Thorium (Th)(112.72)
91Protactinium (Pa)(53.03)
92Uranium (U)(50.94)
93Neptunium (Np)(45.85)
94Plutonium (Pu)(-48.33)
95Americium (Am)(9.93)
96Curium (Cm)(27.17)
97Berkelium (Bk)(-165.24)
98Californium (Cf)(-97.31)
99Einsteinium (Es)(-28.6)
100Fermium (Fm)(33.96)
101Mendelevium (Md)(93.91)
102Nobelium (No)(-223.22)
103Lawrencium (Lr)(-30.04)
104Rutherfordium (Rf)unknown
105Dubnium (Db)unknown
106Seaborgium (Sg)unknown
107Bohrium (Bh)unknown
108Hassium (Hs)unknown
109Meitnerium (Mt)unknown
110Darmstadtium (Ds)unknown
111Roentgenium (Rg)(151)
112Copernicium (Cn)unknown
113Nihonium (Nh)(66.6)
114Flerovium (Fl)unknown
115Moscovium (Mc)(35.3)
116Livermorium (Lv)(74.9)
117Tennessine (Ts)(165.9)
118Oganesson (Og)(5.403)

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External links:
Electron affinity of elements: Wikipedia


  • Jay

    Jay holds the roles of an author and editor at Periodic Table Guide, leveraging his ability to provide clear explanations on typically unexciting topics related to periodic table. He is passionate to help student, and he finds immense joy in his endeavors to make learning enjoyable and accessible. You can connect with him on facebook and twitter.

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