Ionization Energy Chart of all Elements (Full Chart)

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Ionization energy chart of all the elements is given below.
First ionization energy, second ionization energy as well as third ionization energy of the elements are given in this chart.

Note: The ionization energy is measured in joules (J) or electron volts (eV). The values mentioned in the chart are given in electron volts (eV).

Atomic no.ElementFirst, Second and Third Ionization Energy (eV)
First Ionization EnergySecond Ionization EnergyThird Ionization Energy
1Hydrogen (H)13.59 eV
2Helium (He)24.58 eV54.41 eV
3Lithium (Li)5.39 eV75.64 eV122.45 eV
4Beryllium (Be)9.32 eV18.21 eV153.89 eV
5Boron (B)8.29 eV25.15 eV37.93 eV
6Carbon (C)11.26 eV24.38 eV47.88 eV
7Nitrogen (N)14.53 eV29.60 eV47.44 eV
8Oxygen (O)13.61 eV35.11 eV54.93 eV
9Fluorine (F)17.42 eV34.97 eV62.70 eV
10Neon (Ne)21.56 eV40.96 eV63.45 eV
11Sodium (Na)5.13 eV47.28 eV71.62 eV
12Magnesium (Mg)7.64 eV15.03 eV80.14 eV
13Aluminum (Al)5.98 eV18.82 eV28.44 eV
14Silicon (Si)8.15 eV16.34 eV33.49 eV
15Phosphorus (P)10.48 eV19.76 eV30.20 eV
16Sulfur (S)10.36 eV23.33 eV34.79 eV
17Chlorine (Cl)12.96 eV23.81 eV39.61 eV
18Argon (Ar)15.75 eV27.62 eV40.74 eV
19Potassium (K)4.34 eV31.63 eV45.80 eV
20Calcium (Ca)6.11 eV11.87 eV50.91 eV
21Scandium (Sc)6.56 eV12.79 eV24.75 eV
22Titanium (Ti)6.82 eV13.57 eV27.49 eV
23Vanadium (V)6.74 eV14.66 eV29.31 eV
24Chromium (Cr)6.76 eV16.48 eV30.96 eV
25Manganese (Mn)7.43 eV15.63 eV33.66 eV
26Iron (Fe)7.90 eV16.18 eV30.65 eV
27Cobalt (Co)7.88 eV17.08 eV33.50 eV
28Nickel (Ni)7.63 eV18.16 eV35.19 eV
29Copper (Cu)7.72 eV20.29 eV36.84 eV
30Zinc (Zn)9.39 eV17.96 eV39.72 eV
31Gallium (Ga)5.99 eV20.51 eV30.71 eV
32Germanium (Ge)7.89 eV15.93 eV34.22 eV
33Arsenic (As)9.78 eV18.63 eV28.35 eV
34Selenium (Se)9.75 eV21.19 eV30.82 eV
35Bromine (Br)11.81 eV21.8 eV36 eV
36Krypton (Kr)13.99 eV24.35 eV36.95 eV
37Rubidium (Rb)4.17 eV27.28 eV40 eV
38Strontium (Sr)5.69 eV11.03 eV42.89 eV
39Yttrium (Y)6.21 eV12.24 eV20.52 eV
40Zirconium (Zr)6.63 eV13.13 eV22.99 eV
41Niobium (Nb)6.75 eV14.32 eV25.04 eV
42Molybdenum (Mo)7.09 eV16.16 eV27.13 eV
43Technetium (Tc)7.28 eV15.26 eV29.54 eV
44Ruthenium (Ru)7.36 eV16.76 eV28.47 eV
45Rhodium (Rh)7.45 eV18.08 eV31.06 eV
46Palladium (Pd)8.33 eV19.43 eV32.93 eV
47Silver (Ag)7.57 eV21.49 eV34.83 eV
48Cadmium (Cd)8.99 eV16.90 eV37.48 eV
49Indium (In)5.78 eV18.86 eV28.03 eV
50Tin (Sn)7.34 eV14.63 eV30.50 eV
51Antimony (Sb)8.60 eV16.53 eV25.3 eV
52Tellurium (Te)9 eV18.6 eV27.96 eV
53Iodine (I)10.45 eV19.13 eV33 eV
54Xenon (Xe)12.12 eV21.20 eV32.12 eV
55Cesium (Cs)3.89 eV23.15 eV
56Barium (Ba)5.21 eV10 eV
57Lanthanum (La)5.57 eV11.06 eV19.17 eV
58Cerium (Ce)5.53 eV10.85 eV20.19 eV
59Praseodymium (Pr)5.47 eV10.55 eV21.62 eV
60Neodymium (Nd)5.52 eV10.73 eV22.21 eV
61Promethium (Pm)5.58 eV10.9 eV22.3 eV
62Samarium (Sm)5.64 eV11.07 eV23.4 eV
63Europium (Eu)5.67 eV11.24 eV24.92 eV
64Gadolinium (Gd)6.15 eV12.09 eV20.63 eV
65Terbium (Tb)5.86 eV11.52 eV21.91 eV
66Dysprosium (Dy)5.93 eV11.67 eV22.8 eV
67Holmium (Ho)6.02 eV11.80 eV22.84 eV
68Erbium (Er)6.10 eV11.93 eV22.74 eV
69Thulium (Tm)6.18 eV12.05 eV23.63 eV
70Ytterbium (Yb)6.25 eV12.17 eV25.05 eV
71Lutetium (Lu)5.42 eV13.9 eV20.95 eV
72Hafnium (Hf)6.82 eV14.9 eV23.3 eV
73Tantalum (Ta)7.54 eV
74Tungsten (W)7.86 eV
75Rhenium (Re)7.83 eV
76Osmium (Os)8.43 eV
77Iridium (Ir)8.96 eV
78Platinum (Pt)8.95 eV18.56 eV28 eV
79Gold (Au)9.22 eV20.5 eV30 eV
80Mercury (Hg)10.43 v18.75 eV34.2 eV
81Thallium (Tl)6.10 eV20.42 eV29.83 eV
82Lead (Pb)7.41 eV15.03 eV31.93 eV
83Bismuth (Bi)7.28 eV16.69 eV25.56 eV
84Polonium (Po)8.41 eV
85Astatine (At)9.31 eV
86Radon (Rn)10.74 eV
87Francium (Fr)4.07 eV
88Radium (Ra)5.27 eV10.14 eV
89Actinium (Ac)5.17 eV12.1 eV
90Thorium (Th)6.30 eV11.5 eV20 eV
91Protactinium (Pa)5.89 eV
92Uranium (U)6.19 eV
93Neptunium (Np)6.26 eV
94Plutonium (Pu)6.02 eV
95Americium (Am)5.97 eV
96Curium (Cm)5.99 eV
97Berkelium (Bk)6.19 eV
98Californium (Cf)6.28 eV
99Einsteinium (Es)6.42 eV
100Fermium (Fm)6.50 v
101Mendelevium (Md)6.58 eV
102Nobelium (No)6.65 eV
103Lawrencium (Lr)4.9 eV
104Rutherfordium (Rf)6 eV
105Dubnium (Db)
106Seaborgium (Sg)
107Bohrium (Bh)
108Hassium (Hs)
109Meitnerium (Mt)
110Darmstadtium (Ds)
111Roentgenium (Rg)
112Copernicium (Cn)
113Nihonium (Nh)
114Flerovium (Fl)
115Moscovium (Mc)
116Livermorium (Lv)
117Tennessine (Ts)
118Oganesson (Og)

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Ionization energies of elements (Wikipedia)
NIST Atomic Spectra Database Ionization Energies Form

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