What is Periodic table (Why it is called so?)+Free HD Images

Periodic table of elements HD images with names, symbol, atomic number and atomic mass

What is Periodic table of elements?
Definition: Periodic table of elements is the row wise and column wise arrangement of chemical elements in the increasing order of their atomic number. This arrangement of elements is done in such a way that the elements lying in the same column have similar properties. 

This is the short and simple definition of Periodic table.

Hold on…

You will come to know the meaning of this definition in just a few seconds. 

But the question is:

Do you know why it is called Periodic table? Here is your answer.

See how this Interactive Periodic Table helps you

  • You can effortlessly find every single detail about the elements from this single Interactive Periodic table.
  • You will get the detailed information about the periodic table which will convert a newbie into pro.
  • You will also get the HD images of the Periodic table (for FREE).

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Why Periodic table is called so?

What is Periodic table (Why it is called periodic table)


Periodic + table + elements = Periodic table of elements. 

Let me tell you what these 3 terms actually mean?

  • Periodic: Periodic means repeating
  • Table: Table indicates the arrangement in rows and columns
  • Elements: Elements means the chemical elements

Hence, Periodic table of elements means the arrangement of chemical elements in rows and columns such that their properties are repeating in each column.

Finally, I want to say that;

Periodic table is called so because of the arrangement of elements in it. 

The elements are arranged in such a way that their properties repeat after regular intervals.

For example,
You know that the Helium (He) is the 2nd element on the Periodic table. 

And what type of element helium is? It’s an inert gas, right?

helium element

Now if we count the 8th element after helium, then that element is Neon (Ne). 

This element has atomic number 10 and it is also an inert gas.

neon element

Again if we count the 8th element after Neon (Ne), then that element is Argon (Ar). 

This element has atomic number 18 and it is also an inert gas.

argon element

Again if we count the 18th element after Argon (Ar), then that element is Krypton (Kr). 

This element has atomic number 36 and it is also an inert gas.

krypton element

Similarly, if we again count the 18th element after Krypton (Kr), then that element is Xenon (Xe).

Xenon has atomic number 54 and it is also an inert gas.

xenon element

Hence after regular intervals (2, 8, 8, 18, 18, … ), the elements with similar properties appear in the table.

I have explained this similarities in the group 18 elements, but this occurs in all the groups of Periodic table.

For example, first column of Periodic table (also known as group 1) have the metals which are highly reactive. They are known as alkali metals. All these metals of first group have similar properties.

alkali metals on periodic table

Again, the group 2 of Periodic table are Alkaline earth metals and they also have similar properties.

alkaline earth metals on periodic table

Similarly each group on the Periodic table have the elements which show similar physical as well as chemical properties.

Also the elements lying in the same group have the same number of valence electrons.

Hence because of the Periodic or repetitive arrangement of elements, this table is known as Periodic table.

Periodic table HD images

Periodic table of elements with names, symbols, atomic number and atomic mass are given below. You can download the HD images from the download button given below the images.

Colored Periodic table

Periodic table HD image with names, symbols, atomic mass and atomic number

Black and White

Black and white periodic table with names, symbol, atomic number and atomic mass

With circular tile

Modern periodic table of elements with names and symbols

Black and White (circular tile)

Black and white printable HD periodic table of elements

Block wise elements

elements of periodic table with names, symbols, atomic mass and atomic number

Blue colored Periodic table

periodic table elements with names and symbols

So this is it for this article. 

Now I want to know from your side.

Have you understood all the things that I have explained above?

Let me know by leaving a comment below, whether this article has helped you or not.

Free Gift for you: Interactive Periodic Table

Let me tell you how this Interactive Periodic Table will help you in your studies.

You can effortlessly find every single detail about the elements from this single Interactive Periodic table.

(For Interactive Periodic table, view on laptop/desktop for better experience. If you are on mobile device, then use a “Desktop site mode” to see interactive periodic table)

2). You will get the detailed information about the periodic table which will convert a newbie into pro.

3). You will also get the HD images of the Periodic table (for FREE).

Checkout Interactive Periodic table and download it’s high resolution image now (It’s FREE)


  • Jay

    Jay holds the roles of an author and editor at Periodic Table Guide, leveraging his ability to provide clear explanations on typically unexciting topics related to periodic table. He is passionate to help student, and he finds immense joy in his endeavors to make learning enjoyable and accessible. You can connect with him on facebook and twitter.

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